How COVID experiences will reshape the workplace
Given the circumstances of the past year, many employers and employees have shifted their work strategy as many white-collar organizations went remote last Spring. Schedules, routines, and priorities have taken a total 180 and because of that, workplaces may have to adapt to this “new norm.” Because flexibility and safety will be of top priority for most companies, the amount of days in office may lessen, while the way employees are able to spend and earn their vacations may change. Amongst the many challenges employers may face, one of the top ones will be the potential requirement of employee vaccinations before returning to the workplace. Employers should absolutely recommend their employees to vaccinate, but they will have to respect the decision of their employees in the event that they decide not to be vaccinated. Employers will have to be extra courteous and supportive to employees when returning to the workplace due to the amount of stress, depression and burnout the majority has faced the past year during the pandemic. It will take a lot of adjusting for both the employees and the employers.