We’re all familiar with the buzzwords PCR, antigen, and antibody by now, but what do they all really mean? In the simplest of terms, we’ll let you know the scoop on these testing types and their differences. Although these diagnostic… Continue Reading →
Rules for traveling abroad can be confusing and inconsistent. Remember, no matter what, you will need to show proof of a negative COVID test before even boarding a plan that is coming to the US. Rather than seeking out a… Continue Reading →
As the world begins to open up and we all have the travel bug, it’s important to stay informed and prepared anywhere you go. Add these questions to your packing list so you can enjoy a stress-free trip. What is… Continue Reading →
Fatigue, headaches, bloating, body aches, sleeplessness, irregular bowel movements…the list of unfortunately common day-to-day pains and symptoms people may feel goes on. In our busy lives, it’s hard to make dedicated time to go to the doctor’s office for a… Continue Reading →
https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/travel/international-travel-information-updates-coronav irus/2021/04/29/a8860276-a20a-11eb-a774-7b47ceb36ee8_story.html Keeping up with the latest requirements for international travel has become an arduous task. You need a stack of documents to travel across countries and hope that you did everything correctly. As vaccines become available and Covid begins… Continue Reading →