Self-Care Archives - GotTheTest

Category Self-Care

Four strategies to cope with Covid rage

Covid rage?! Yup, it’s a thing and there’s no wonder why. Every person may have unique triggers, such as differing opinions on Covid vaccines, frustrations with wearing face masks, apprehensiveness about the way schools, the government, and workplaces are dealing… Continue Reading →

Take an evaluation of your work-from-home set up in 5 steps

No one in the world was prepared for March 2020. All the unknowns surrounding the new virus caused panic and subsequent lockdown across the globe. Businesses quickly adapted to a work-from-home model to keep employees safe. Now, many of us… Continue Reading →

5 ways to improve chronic fatigue

We get it, fatigue can be debilitating. Establishing a routine and learning to manage your fatigue can really help you bring your life (and energy!) back into your own hands. Have you tried these 5 ways to improve chronic fatigue?… Continue Reading →