The White House announced the expected updates to OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard on September 9th. Now that the standard has been released to the public with deadlines on December 5, 2021 and January 4, 2022, businesses should really consider how… Continue Reading →
If you’re looking for a simple yes or no answer, you won’t find that here (because it doesn’t exist on this topic!). We understand that unique factors play into your decision to get or not get a vaccine, such as… Continue Reading →
Over 186 million Americans have been fully vaccinated as of October 7, 2021. Now what? In August, the government announced booster shots would be available starting on September 20th. Here’s what we know about booster shots up to this point:… Continue Reading →
No one in the world was prepared for March 2020. All the unknowns surrounding the new virus caused panic and subsequent lockdown across the globe. Businesses quickly adapted to a work-from-home model to keep employees safe. Now, many of us… Continue Reading →
We’ve discussed ways to broach the conversation about Biden’s new Covid mandate from the business owner’s perspective, but it’s equally important to consider the employee’s perspective. This mandate will affect about 64% of the nation‘s 157 million-member workforce, so based… Continue Reading →