April 2020 - Page 4 of 4 - GotTheTest

Month April 2020

How To Make Your Own Face Mask

The Best Household Materials to Make Your Own DIY Face Mask | Real Thread Who would have thought this was a post we’d need to write at the beginning of 2020? Safe to say, not us. For fun, we looked… Continue Reading →

Research View: COVID-19

Research View: COVID-19 Insights, implications and sign-posts to track on the impact of COVID-19 from across our research teams globally UBS has put together this resource to track the impact of Covid-19 globally. Based on the research of their global… Continue Reading →

Importance of Antibody Tests

Crucial test to identify those who have recovered from COVID-19 and have active immunity A test that can determine if a patient had been infected and recovered from COVID-19 is being developed at Mayo Clinic Laboratories. The test will detect… Continue Reading →

I Tested Positive For COVID-19. Now What?

I Tested Positive For COVID-19. Now What? Updated May 1, 2020. As testing for COVID-19 becomes more widely available, you may be wondering what an affirmative coronavirus diagnosis actually means. While the media swirl around coronavirus may paint an alarming… Continue Reading →

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